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This collection of poems speaks volumes about the new Gambia under democracy, The Gambia then under dictatorship, and expressed the poet?s love towards his heartbeat. It further addresses global politics, a modern world religion, and the new world order. The title of the book takes its name from the current happenings in Africa? war, corruption, coup d??tat, hatred, poverty, bribery, the inferiority of the black race, to name a few. Haunting, gripping, and lyrical? a book you won?t want to put down for its distinct diction and inexplicable eloquence: an excellent d?but that sensitively prophesies the coming of the Anti-Christ and the present chaos in the world, in connection to Islam and terrorism. It also centers on African leaders and poor governance and corruption. It's descriptive, lyrical, and poignant and creates an intimate and visceral read that is both solid mystery and a fast-faced in psychological poetry in a world of deception. The author defined politics as ?intellectual deception?; stating that they will charge us with having capably allowed destruction of some of those records of Creation we had in our power to conserve. And, while professing to regard every living thing as the direct handiwork and best evidence of a Creator, yet, with a strange inconsistency, seeing many of us perish irrevocably from the face of the earth by living like slaves in our minds. It?s the great age of deception that imprisoned a man in his mind. If the world is blind, not everyone is deaf. You are either with God, or you are with Satan. Thematically, the author sets a precedent for a great deal that followed the ?mind control? - as a catalyst of misleading people.

AfriKa not AfriCa - Dust Jacket

SKU: DJAG15084057
  • Paperback

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