As we start our new chapter of life, new environment and new people awaits us.These new people that we'll encounter could possibly bring you in the great path in future or maybe bring you in your deepest fall wherein it's hard for you to get up. As we dug more about them personally, you should start questioning yourself, are they really great friends? Are they worth it to keep?What if?Keeping them could change the way you see the world? Among all of them, one man, stand out. One man not only change the way you see the world but also change your beliefs about love. That for you?He is different from others and different from your past who broke you into pieces and hurts you like a hell. Should I continue this feelings?Or maybe forget it, forget him and keep it only, Under my mind and secrets
Under Minds and Secrets - Dust Jacket
SKU: DJAG15083017
- Lei Louise Purio